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Custer City A Quaint Town In Oklahoma

Custer City: A Quaint Town in Oklahoma

History and Location

Custer City, nestled in the northeastern corner of Custer County, Oklahoma, is a charming town steeped in history. Situated on State Highway 33, it lies just four miles east of Clinton.

Demographics and Economy

According to the 2021 census, Custer City had a population of 652 residents. The median age was 22.8 years, and the median household income was.

Agriculture plays a significant role in the local economy, with many residents employed in farming and livestock production.

Attractions and Activities

Custer City offers a range of attractions for visitors and locals alike:
  • Historical Sites: The town is home to several historical sites, including the Custer City Historical Museum.
  • Outdoor Recreation: Lake Foss is a nearby popular destination for fishing, boating, and camping.
  • Local Businesses: Custer City supports a variety of local businesses, including restaurants, shops, and a bed-and-breakfast.


Custer City is a quaint and welcoming town that offers a glimpse into the rich history and vibrant culture of Oklahoma. From its historic landmarks to its outdoor recreation opportunities, there's something for everyone to enjoy in this charming community. As the sun sets over the vast Oklahoma plains, Custer City leaves a lasting impression on the hearts of its visitors, forever etched in their memories.
